Changes in the management of Nordmark
After 10 years in the role as CEO of Nordmark, Morten Mørk has decided to step down to join the Board of Directors of the company. Morten will also continue as a major shareholder of Nordmark.

The Board of Directors would like to thank Morten for his significant efforts as CEO.  Morten has tirelessly contributed to making Nordmark a good and successful workplace. During his tenure, the company has achieved a position as a leading supplier to the wind turbine industry's largest global manufacturers of off- and onshore wind turbines.

During the interim period until a new CEO is appointed, the management of Nordmark will consist of Chairman of the Board Johnny Thomsen as interim Sales Director with responsibility for Nordmark's commercial activities, Board member Søren Husted as Interim Operations Director with responsibility for production, just as Michael Jacobsen will continue in the role of Production Manager with responsibility for technology. Jeppe Højmark will continue as CFO and be acting as interim CEO.

The Board of Directors looks forward to continuing the collaboration with Morten Mørk in his new role as a board member, where Morten Mørk will continue to actively contribute to Nordmark's development, including continuously advising the Executive Board.